

Efrat Hildesheim PhD, is a landscape architect, a senior lecturer- assistant professor at the Azrieli School of Architecture, Tel Aviv University, an artist, and an interdisciplinary scholar of landscape theory. Hildesheim holds a Ph.D. from Tel Aviv University, where she also earned her master's degree in arts and environment. She specialized in Israeli landscape architecture as a research fellow at the Azrieli Architectural Archive, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, and in landscape and highways as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion (2019-2022). Hildesheim's interdisciplinary research and art focus on conceptualization and ontological inquiry using critical cultural discourse and psychoanalysis, as well as garden history, land and conceptual art theory, and critical philosophy. Thus, it generates new perspectives concerning landscape and Israeli landscape architecture, gardens, and the landscape of roads, highways, and borders.

In her art installations, Hildesheim explores the concept of a garden in its broader, abstract, and metaphysical aspect and appearances through hermeneutics and critical thought as well as in her artistic praxis, placing installations in galleries and museums as well as interventions in public spaces